Artist in residence Eman Makki in her studio at the Fire Station.

Eman Makki

Artist in Residence

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Eman Makki is an artist and designer who explores generative art using computer codes and machines. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design from VCUarts Qatar. 

Eman Makki participated in the following residencies:

  • AIR 4, 2018-19 

Her exhibition participations at the Fire Station include:  

See Other Residents
Artist in residence Eman Makki in her studio at the Fire Station.

Eman Makki, Artist in Residence, 2018-19.

Artist's studio wall.

Eman Makki, Artist in Residence, 2018-19.

Artist Eman Makki working in her studio.

Eman Makki, Artist in Residence, 2018-19.

Artist Eman Makki working on an project with receipt printers.

Eman Makki, Artist in Residence, 2018-19.

Artworks on a wall in a studio.

Eman Makki, Artist in Residence, 2018-19.

Artwork by artist Eman Makki during the "Infinite Dimensions" exhibition.

Eman Makki, Printer Up Above the World So High, 2019, Infinite Dimensions exhibition, Garage Gallery, 2019.

Artworks on a wall in an exhibition.

Eman Makki, An Ode to Saturn’s Moons, 2019, inkjet ink, 48.25 x 33 cm each.